COP28 Comes to an Agreement to Phase out Fossil Fuels

First eco365 post ever, on this “momentous” occasion!


In a First, Nations at Climate Summit Agree to Move Away From Fossil Fuels

Nearly 200 countries convened by the United Nations approved a milestone plan to ramp up renewable energy and transition away from coal, oil and gas.


Sultan Al Jaber, the energy executive in charge of U.N. climate talks at COP28, announces an agreement to “phase out” fossil fuels. There are no binding rules. There are lots of caveats and loopholes. Small, low lying country islands in the Southern Pacific have called the agreement between 200 countries a death sentence.

But its something. Its Historic. 

Still, its not enough.

Two things have to happen: 1) we need to phase out fossil fuels as soon as possible, and 2) we need to physically remove CO2 from the atmosphere and the oceans. 

We all know by now that CO2 remains in the atmosphere for 

That’s too long. We will all fry, and the oceans will cover us all.

So, COP28 got it partly right. The language included provisions for carbon sequestration from power plants, which is not yet a great technology, and the CO2 it currently sequesters is used to pump into the ground to, you guessed it, pump out more fossil fuels. 

We need to get the CO2 into the ground. Forever. Big machines, like the ones touted by ClimateWorks, are nowhere near as efficient as the #1 greatest carbon sequestration machine ever known…

Picture of tree…

Picture of soil…

Picture of the World’s 1st carbon sequestering hot tub…

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