
We are not in the Anthropocene, and other CLimate news

The Latest Ecology news and views Mar. 2024 Tracking an Invisible Climate Menace From 360 Miles Above. Methane: 80x more warming to the atmosphere than CO2, but less stable.  MethaneSAT, a new Earth orbiting satellite,  will sweep the globe using a high-resolution infrared sensor to detect and track methane leaks from oil and gas sites …

We are not in the Anthropocene, and other CLimate news Read More »

COP28 Comes to an Agreement to Phase out Fossil Fuels

First eco365 post ever, on this “momentous” occasion! 12/13/23 In a First, Nations at Climate Summit Agree to Move Away From Fossil Fuels Nearly 200 countries convened by the United Nations approved a milestone plan to ramp up renewable energy and transition away from coal, oil and gas. Wow! Sultan Al Jaber, the energy …

COP28 Comes to an Agreement to Phase out Fossil Fuels Read More »